Spikeball is a sport that combines elements of volleyball and foursquare. It is usually played with two teams of two players, but can be adapted for different numbers. Players must attempt to hit the ball onto the net, causing it to ricochet off the surface and back into the air.

The game begins with a rock-paper-scissors contest to decide the first serve, and teams are allowed up to three hits to play the ball. Using any part of the body, players must ensure that there are no double hits or throws. If the ball bounces a second time on the net, the receiver wins the point.

Scoring is usually set to 11, 15, or 21 points with a two-point lead. There are various brands of Spikeball, such as Slammo and Spyderball, which can be compared and purchased online. It can be played casually or competitively, and variations can be added to make the game more interesting.

What is it?

Spikeball is a popular game that combines elements of volleyball and four-square and is usually played in a 2-on-2 format, with the objective of spiking the ball onto the net and making it ricochet back into the air.

The game is governed by the International Roundnet Federation, with the leading brand name being Spikeball. To start, players line up side-by-side with their teammates and across from their opponents and a game of rock-paper-scissors is used to determine the first service.

During play, the ball must clear the rim and contact with the rim is a fault, resulting in a lost point. Players are free to roam and use any part of their body to hit the ball, but double hits are not allowed. Lifting, carrying, or throwing the ball is not permitted.

If the ball bounces a second time on the net, a double bounce is called, and the receivers win the point. Possession changes each time the ball hits the net and teams have up to 3 hits to play the ball.

Slammo and Spyderball are different brands, with Slammo having a bright green branding and a lighter, bouncier ball compared to Spikeball.

Rules and Strategies

Players are subject to a variety of rules and strategies when playing Spikeball. Some of these rules include rotating serving positions after every five points and making an effort to get out of the way of play. The objective of the game is to spike the ball onto the net and make it ricochet back into the air. Contact with the rim is considered a fault, resulting in a lost point. Two-hand hits are against the rules and also result in a lost point.

Players are free to roam and play all around the net in a 360-degree game. Possession changes each time the ball hits the net, and teams have up to three hits to play the ball. Any part of the body can be used to hit the ball, but double hits are not allowed. Lifting, carrying, or throwing the ball is not permitted. Making contact with the net at any point during play also results in a lost point.

Games are played to a total of 11, 15, or 21 points with a two-point lead. Optional rule variations can be added to spice up the game.

Products and Resources

Various brand names for the sport of roundnet, such as Spikeball, Slammo, and Spyderball, can be compared and purchased on Amazon.

Spikeball is the leading brand, offering superior quality and bright yellow branding, while Slammo has a bright green branding and a lighter, bouncier ball. Spyderball is a low-cost alternative.

Roundnet enthusiasts can access resources from the International Roundnet Federation, which includes rules and regulations, tournaments, and safety guidelines.

Optional rule variations, such as playing on sand, splitting the field of play, and playing with one hand can add a unique twist to the game. Furthermore, holding hands with teammates throughout the game can add a level of teamwork and camaraderie.