Volleyball is a popular sport which uses a rally scoring system. It is regulated by the Federation Internationale de Volleyball and the most recent edition of the volleyball rules was released in 2017 and is valid until 2020.

This article provides an overview of the game’s point rules, including the scoring system, length of matches, and key moves and skills.

The scoring sheet is used to track information and streamline scorekeeping, while the website provides resources to help players, parents, and coaches improve their volleyball skills.

It is important to understand the game’s point rules in order to understand how to play volleyball effectively.

Scoring System

Rally scoring is the current scoring system used in volleyball. Every rally results in a point being awarded to one team. This system replaces the previous side-out scoring system, in which possession of the serve and winning the rally was required for a point.

Games in rally scoring are set to 25 points, except for the tie-breaker set which is set to 15 points. In younger age groups, the match is played in the best of 3 sets, while in older age groups, the match is played in the best of 5 sets.

Beach volleyball follows the same rules, with the first two sets set to 21 points and the tie-breaker set to 15 points.

This scoring system is regulated by the Federation Internationale de Volleyball (FIVB) and the most recent edition of the rules is for 2017 to 2020.

Length of Matches

Matches typically last between 30 to 45 minutes for the best of 3 sets, and 45 to 75 minutes for the best of 5 sets. Generally, the length of the match depends on the skill level of the teams, as games with closely-matched teams can take longer.

The third set in a best of 3 match is used as the tie-breaker, and the fifth set in a best of 5 match is used for the same purpose.

Beach volleyball follows the same game point rules as indoor volleyball, but the matches are played to the best of 3 sets. The first two sets are played to a score total of 21 points, while the tie-breaker set is played to 15 points.

Key Moves and Skills

Spiking and strong passing are two of the key skills in volleyball.

Spiking is a powerful move where a player jumps and smacks the ball to the ground on the other side of the net. This move requires good timing, power, and accuracy.

Passing skills are also important as they help set up teammates for successful spikes and frustrate the opposition’s defense. Passing involves quickly getting the ball from one side of the court to the other while avoiding the opposing team’s blockers. Passing requires good hand-eye coordination and quick reflexes.

Additionally, it is important to know when to set the ball, when to pass, and when to spike. Knowing how to do these skills correctly and when to use them is essential for success in volleyball.