Volleyball spiking is an essential skill for court success. To master this skill, it is important to practice solo regularly, focusing on proper technique and repetition.

Strong passing skills are also necessary for setting up teammates for successful spikes, and back row attacks are a common strategy.

This article will discuss solo practice, passing skills, and back row attacks as they relate to spiking volleyball.

It is important to note that BetterAtVolleyball.com, run by Jeff Lacroix, offers helpful tips on spiking and other volleyball topics, and images on the site are owned or used with license.

This article is subject to copyright in 2023.

Solo Practice

Solo practice is an important aspect of spiking a volleyball, as it allows players to focus on improving hitting technique and repetition. Ball machines and ball launchers are often used for solo practice and can be adjusted to throw the ball in different directions.

Rebounders are also useful for solo practice, as they allow the ball to come back after hitting it. Additionally, solo trainers or self-practice setters can be used for setting the ball for oneself and practicing hitting.

It is recommended that players review Solo Trainer recommendations and focus on proper technique and repetition when practicing spikes alone. Furthermore, it is beneficial to seek periodic feedback from coaches while practicing solo.

Passing Skills

Passing skills are a critical component of successful volleyball play. In order to support an effective spike, a volleyball player must have strong passing skills. Passing sets up the spiker, allowing them to make a powerful attack on the ball. Passing is also important for frustrating the opposition’s defense. It requires a great deal of skill and practice to accurately pass the ball to the desired location.

Standing Pass Bump Pass Set Pass
Overhead pass of the ball while standing Receiving the ball with the forearms Using hands to direct the ball to the desired location
Great for short distances Great for mid-range distances Great for long distances
Requires accuracy and power Requires control and timing Requires finesse and control

Back Row Attacks

Back row attacks are a common offensive tactic in volleyball that involve attacking the ball from behind the attack line. This type of attack can be used to surprise the opposing team and can be especially effective when combined with a strong passing game.

A back row attack may be initiated by a setter from the back or a hitter from the front row. The hitter must be able to reach the ball while in the air, while the setter must be able to set the ball accurately. In either case, the player must be able to move quickly and anticipate the ball’s path.

The aim is to surprise the opposing team’s defense with an attack from the back row. Improving back row attack skills requires practice and repetition to perfect the technique while also honing passing skills. This tactical move can be the difference between a successful attack and a blocked shot.