Volleyball is a popular sport with numerous rules and regulations that must be followed during gameplay. One such rule is the blocking rule, which determines whether a block counts as a hit or not.

Primarily, the determining factor in this rule is the position of the player and whether they are able to get above net height.

This article will discuss the rules and regulations surrounding blocking in volleyball, as well as the differences between beach volleyball and indoor volleyball.

Furthermore, additional information about referees and other related rules will be discussed.

Definition and Rules

Block is a defensive play in volleyball that requires a player to have their body above net height to make contact with the ball, and for a successful block, the ball may count as a hit.

A soft block occurs when the player does not reach net height and counts as a regular contact. The team has two remaining touches after a soft block.

Only front-row players are allowed to block, while back-row players are not allowed to contact the ball above net height. This is referred to as a back-row attack violation.

Penetrating beyond the net and interfering with an opponent’s chance to attack are both considered illegal blocks.

A maximum of three players can block at once, and the referee signals a blocking fault with raised arms and a reaching beyond the net with a hand over the net.

The team can have four touches if the first contact is a block, followed by three more hits after the ball comes down on one side. Any player can play the ball after it comes down, and this rule makes rallies more competitive.

Beach Volleyball Differences

In beach volleyball, a block always counts as a touch due to different rules between indoor and beach volleyball. The main differences between indoor and beach volleyball include:

  • Blocker can deflect the ball up to themselves in beach volleyball.
  • Blocker can make 2 consecutive contacts in beach volleyball.
  • Both teammates can touch the ball simultaneously in beach volleyball.
  • There is no back-row attack violation in beach volleyball.
  • There is no limit to the number of players who can block at once in beach volleyball.

These differences in the rules of the game make beach volleyball a more aggressive sport, where the block is an important tool for the defense.

Additional Information

Spike is a powerful move in volleyball which is used to score points and is an important part of the game. It is an aggressive move that requires quick reflexes and strong passes in order to be successful. To improve their volleyball skills, players can turn to Betteratvolleyball.com, a website owned by the company Lacroix Digital LLC. This website provides knowledge and practice drills that can help players to master the art of spiking and passing. It also participates in affiliate programs and partners with Mediavine for advertising.

Action Description
Spike Aggressive move to score points
Pass Quick reflexes and strong to be successful
Block Defensive play, counts as a hit in beach volleyball
Betteratvolleyball.com Website with knowledge and practice drills
Lacroix Digital LLC Owns website, participates in affiliate programs