Co-ed volleyball is a sport that combines men and women playing together, popular in recreation and intramural leagues. It is a great way for individuals of different genders and skill levels to participate in a sport together.

This article will provide an overview of co-ed volleyball, including what it is, the common rules, and the net height. It will also address the differences between co-ed volleyball and general volleyball.

By the end of the article, readers should have a more thorough understanding of co-ed volleyball and how it is played.

What is it?

Co-Ed Volleyball is a combination of men and women playing together, and it is popular in recreation and intramural leagues.

Teams must have an equal number of men and women with some leagues allowing teams to play with fewer women to avoid forfeiting.

Women must make at least one touch over the net each time and rally scoring with a win by two rule is used.

Substitutions can be made anytime the ball is out of play using traditional substitution format with a balance of men and women on the court.

Only one timeout is allowed per game and kicking may be allowed in some leagues.

Co-ed volleyball follows general volleyball rules.

The net is set at the men’s standard height of 7 feet, 11 ⅝ inches.

Common Rules

Common regulations for this team sport require an equal number of male and female players on the court. In some leagues, teams may be allowed to play with fewer women in order to avoid forfeiting.

All players must adhere to rally scoring and a win by two rule.

Substitutions may be made at any point when the ball is out of play, and traditional substitution formats are allowed as long as there is a balance of men and women on the court.

Only one timeout is allowed per game and kicking may be allowed in some leagues.

Co-ed volleyball follows general volleyball rules, with the only difference being the net height set at the men’s standard of 7 feet, 11 ⅝ inches.

Net Height

The net height for co-ed volleyball is set at 7 feet, 11 ⅝ inches, the same as the men’s standard. This height is used for traditional co-ed volleyball games, as well as grass and sand volleyball. However, reverse co-ed volleyball has different rules, which include a lower net height of 7 feet, 4 ⅛ inches. This adjustment is made to provide more equality between men and women on the court.

Notable differences between reverse co-ed volleyball and traditional co-ed volleyball include:

  • Men not allowed to block or attack from above the net in the front zone
  • Female players have a greater emphasis on attacking
  • Men must touch the ball in multiple-contact offensive plays
  • Only women allowed to block
  • One female player can come from the back row to block if only one woman is playing on the front row